
Welcome, Guest!

After centuries of living in ships, mankind had found a planet whose atmosphere nearly mirrored Earth. However, soon after setting up camps humans found that they were not the first to inhabit this strange place. Determined not to repeat the mistakes that devastated Earth, they now wish to befriend and protect the native life. In order to do this, however, we must first understand the local fauna and floral. You have been given the rare chance to adopt one these creatures into your home and care for it. This will be the first time someone has observed the effect that we are having on the wildlife of our new home.

Want to watch the site grow? Join us on the forum!

Please note that PF is still in the early stages of development. Due to many missing and incomplete features I ask that you join the forum instead of the main site.

I cannot guarantee that your account, fauna, items, etc. will not be deleted throughout development. So please keep this in mind if you do join the main site. Thank you!

- Ellie (Eagle9615)


Fauna, Genders, and Exploring - October 2nd, 2016

Bestiary Added & Starter Species - July 21st, 2016

New Layout - May 25th, 2016