Site Rules

These rules apply to both the main adoptable site and the forum.
You agree to both the rules and Terms of Service when you sign up for an account. It is your responsibility to read and understand both to ensure the use of this website without your account being banned. If you do not agree, you can contact an admin to have your account terminated.

Do not spam.
This involves posting the same message over and over again in the chatbox, forums, and other areas where you interact with other users. Spamming also includes posting pointless click-bait messages (Ex: off-site advertisements), using an excessive amount of emoticons or chatspeak, repeatedly bumping your forum thread, and posting blank threads. You are allowed to bump your thread once it gets pushed past the first page.

Do not scam or cheat.
If you are found to scamming other users you will be banned. This involves exploitation of bugs and other site glitches, using bots/scripts, auto-refreshers, and any other software that will give you an unfair advantage. Cheating ruins the fun for everyone  and can ruin the site's economy. If you find a bug/glitch please report it on the forum so it can be fixed.

Do not give out personal information.
This includes but is not limited to your password, address, full name, and any other information that can be used to identify you as an individual. Anyone claiming to be a staff member and asking for information is lying.

Do not post inappropriate images.
All images should be SFW (safe for work) and should not include offensive or indecent subject matter. Doing so will result in a warning and the removal of the offending image(s). This applies to language as well. While to occasional usage of words such as hell and damn are ok, using excessive profanity will result in a warning.

Only one account per person.
Using more than one account will result in a warning and all but one of the accounts being banned. If found with multiple accounts a second time, all of the accounts will be banned. The only exception to this is if you are returning from a break and no longer can access the email or retrieve any other details about the account.

No sharing accounts.
In the event that one of the account holders breaks the rules it is impossible to figure out who broke the rule. This is enforced even if none of the account holders have their own separate accounts. If the account holders do have separate accounts, sharing will be considered multi-accounting and will be handled as such with the shared account(s) being banned.

No bullying or harassment.
No one should feel uncomfortable using the site because of another user. This includes any unwanted contact, purposely calling another user out, or doing anything else with the intent of causing harm or distress. This will not be tolerated in any way and if you are found to be harassing someone, your account will get banned.

Do not impersonate another user or staff member.